Tuesday, October 7, 2008

don't ask god why: insights from a funeral

i'm still shaken by the funeral today
a 4-yr-old accidentally shooting herself in the head
the gun belonged to a family friend
it was in her purse
forgive my innocence, but is kansas city the kind of place we need to walk around with guns in our purses?
is any city that kind of place?

how does anyone explain the senselessness?
how can anyone still demand the right to bear arms?
they say people, not guns, kill people
guess what?
sometimes it's the guns

we ask why does god allow this to happen?
it's the wrong question
god has nothing to do with this
this was tragic human stupidity and carelessness
this was the cycle of fear and violence claiming innocence

why is a pointless question
what do we do now is maybe a better one
will that friend still carry a gun in her purse?
i don't know
will joe schmoe still be able to walk into a store and buy a gun?
when will we truly learn from our mistakes

my heart breaks for that family
i imagined my joy in that coffin and i was paralyzed

what do we do now?
what will we do to break the cycle of violence?
what will we model for our children?
more violence through yelling and hitting?
when will we model forgiveness and patience and love?
when will we treat children with the dignity and respect every life deserves?
when will we stop hurting our future by hurting our children?

why does god allow this to happen?!
gimme a break
why do WE allow this to happen?

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