Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Are We Ready For Love?

Here's my chapel service talk. A H U G E Thank-you to everyone who helped me put this together, and those who supported me with prayers and positive affirmations. I wouldn't be here without you...and that's no exaggeration.

Are We Ready For Love? from Ogun Holder on Vimeo.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


No, I haven't taken another hiatus.

I've been sidetracked by another blogging project. It's actually a class assignment. Our ever-creative theology professor Rev. Dr. Thomas Shepherd gave us the option to blog rather than write a final paper. God bless the man!

 The class is called The Theology of Eric Butterworth and we have been commissioned to read and make a theological examination of one of Unity's most revered ministers and prolific authors. So head over to my blog BETTER WITH BUTTER[WORTH] to read my theological musings.

I'll be posting here again before too long.
